Get notified on parcel requests anytime via the Goozam App and ensure speedy delivery to those in

Brief Organization Profile

Look at an OVERVIEW of your organization’s profile including the type of emergencies you respond to such as medical, disaster and road accident; and your reviews.

One-Glance Dashboard

Get a TOPLINE SUMMARY of your ticket list, active and pending responders, and latest responder feedback, ratings and locations

Seamless Ticket Management

SEAMLESSLY MANAGE your ongoing tickets and close served and unserved tickets through GooZam’s Ticket Management feature.

Targeted Broadcast

CREATE AND BROADCAST MESSAGESyo your choosen audience whether they be users or members of your organization. Check existing announcements anytime to stay updated

Efficient Internal Messaging

Message a person privately or create a group message within your organization for FASTER, EFFICIENT and SECURE  COMMUNICATION

GooDriver Organization

Powered by GooZam